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Share your horse's Equipe results on Floccs

April 10, 2024

Receive result notifications, share competition videos and images, and compile a comprehensive narrative of your journey. With Floccs, tracking progress and preserving precious moments has never been easier.

View, find and share all your horse's Equipe results on Floccs by verifying the horse's license number and registration number.

Equipe x Floccs!

Follow our 3-step guide to get started:

We're thrilled to introduce a highly anticipated new feature. Now, you can share your Equipe Online results as highlights, By verifying your horse with Equipe on Floccs, you unlock seamless documentation and showcasing of your accomplishments.

How to verify your horse with Equipe:

Step 1: Verify your horse by navigating to the create (plus button) on Floccs. Then, head to Equipe in the middle. Select the horse you wish to verify from the list.

Step 2: Fill in the horse's details such as registration and license numbers. We'll notify you once the verification is complete!

How to verify your horse's Equipe results on Floccs

Enter your horse's registration number and license number to verify your horse with Equipe

How to post your horses Equipe results on floccs:

Once your horse is verified, it's time to create highlights of your horse results. You can select all your horses old results going back to the first time of your horse's first competition.

Get notifications when your horse receives a result på Equipe

Step 3: Go to the create button (+) and to the Equipe page, choose the verified horse. Select one or more results that you want to share. Choose competition photos and videos, write something about the Equipe competition, and tag the rider and team. When you are done, click on share!

How to publish the horse's Equipe results on Floccs

Done! Now, the result will be in the feed and on your horse's and your profile under highlights.

All the team-members that you tagged in the highlight will also get the Equipe duplicated to their individual profile. By clicking on the result tag on the highlight you will end up at the official result list on

Quick access to Equipe Online's results list with Floccs

The benefits of using Floccs extend beyond just sharing Equipe results. Each horse's profile on the web acts as their track record, providing a comprehensive overview of their achievements. Your involvement as part of the horse's team is seamlessly integrated, showcasing your contributions and celebrating your successes.

Make sure to enable notifications in order to get notified when there is a new result to share with your horse. If you have any Questions about the feature or if you have problems with verifying your horse, please contact the team on hello@floccs.com